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Monday, June 23, 2014

Suggested Reading Material on coping with suicide

Suggested Reading Material on coping with suicide  

Coping with the Suicide of a Loved One Written by Stacey Freedenthal, PhD, LCSW May 29, 2013 

Surviving suicide
The grief, loss, and bewilderment following the suicide of a loved one can be overwhelming. Many reactions are common, ranging from everything from shock to anger to self blame to considering suicide for yourself.  There are questions, so many questions. “Why?” “What if…?” “What could I have done?” And there are few, if any answers. Here are some resources for coping in the aftermath. Some material repeats what I have included on the Resources page for suicide loss survivors, and some goes beyond that. Coping Immediately After the Suicide SOS: A Handbook for Survivors of Suicide  Of all the online guides to coping with the suicide of a loved one, this may be the most comprehensive. Written by a man whose wife died by suicide, the guide includes information on the “emotional rollercoaster” that follows a suicide, myths and facts about suicide, suggestions for coping, narratives from other suicide loss survivors, and inspirational words for surviving, coping, and healing after the loss of a loved one to suicide. (Sponsored by the American Association of Suicidology.) After a Suicide: A Practical and Personal Guide for Survivors   This booklet begins with information about the practical logistics immediately following a suicide, including details about a possible autopsy, cleaning of the home if the suicide occurred there, organ donation – and more. The second part of this booklet addresses the emotional aftermath of suicide bereavement, including common reactions to the suicide of a loved one, as well as the process of grieving. (Provided by the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention.)  Resources and Healing Guide  This guide includes information similar to that provided on this page  – and more. Topics include coping after the suicide, personal stories from other survivors of suicide loss, resources, articles on grief, and a reading list. (Provided by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.) How to Talk with Children about the Suicide I address this topic in this post, “What to Tell Children of a Loved One’s Suicide?“ This online guide, SOS: A Handbook for Survivors of Suicide (described above), has a section on talking with children about the suicide of a loved one. A rich and informative blog post, “Speaking to Children about Suicide,” also contains good information. Its author is Nancy Rappaport, M.D., a child psychiatrist whose own mother died by suicide when the author was 4 years old.  Seeking Support from other Survivors Support Groups This site, sponsored by the American Association of Suicidology, and this site, sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, both provide directories of support groups nationwide for people who have lost a loved one to suicide. Some support groups are led by a mental health professional, while others are led by participants themselves. Survivor Outreach Program The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention trains people who have survived a suicide loss to reach out to others newly bereaved by suicide. The volunteers will visit new survivors and offer peer support, at the survivor’s request. Click here to request a visit from someone in your area. Relevant Books This list of books on coping after the suicide of a loved one is quite comprehensive. It divides books according to specific affected groups, including children, adolescents, men, and clinicians. It also provides a list of books on suicide. (Provided by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.) Although a great deal of books helpful to suicide loss survivors are out there, a book that I find particularly good is Touched by Suicide, by Michael Myers and Carla Fine.  Web Sites with More Resources for Coping and Healing from Suicide Loss A Question for You Do you have more resources to share? If so, please email me at or submit a comment below. Thank you. * © Copyright 2013 Stacey Freedenthal, PhD, LCSW, All rights Reserved. Written For: Speaking of Suicide - See more at:

Read more at: Coping with the Suicide of a Loved One | Speaking of Suicide

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