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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A touching Account, There is hope!

Space for yourself

I met her as a writer. We spoke as we were friends. It was her English paper that day and she seemed happy and gay. She dictated and I wrote. Oh, it was tough. I hardly could cope. Grammar was fun. Letter a drag. Essay a delight, let me tell you why.
The topic was subjective so I wondered what she would say. She said that it is going to be a task for me and I started to pray. She sighed, she began and what a beginning it was! I thought to myself, `If I hadn't come to write for her, it would have been such a loss'. She narrated incidents and said she had lost all hope. She said `I would often say "World is not a place for me, life has no scope". To this her mother replied, "If the world doesn't have space for you, then better make one for yourself." The words made her strong. She concluded her friends were wrong. She charged and barged and came right through. The struggles and challenges that would have seemed like mountains to me and you. She stood up on her feet challenging life, she has made place for herself with dignity and pride. She said and I wrote, the narration of her life. I was glad I could learn so much from her strife.
As she left the hall, I watched her till she faded away in a distance. I wished her well and that was all I could say in that particular instance. She walked with support, her speech was unclear, and she said that she had to go for therapy that day but she was extremely tired. She doesn't realize what she has taught me, challenging something that was so hardwired. I realized that determination comes with intention. I realized that at some point in time I may feel that life has no scope but it will remind me that if the world doesn't have space for me, I need to make one for myself.
Sandhya. N

T T Ranganathan Foundation for Rehabilitation of drug, alcohol and other substance abusers

T.T. Ranganathan Clinical Research Foundation (TTK Hospital, Chennai), a pioneer centre established in 1980, treating and rehabilitating persons addicted to alcohol and other drugs over the last two decades.

Treatment and rehabilitation services include medical management (detoxification) and psychological therapy (1 month in-house programme) for the patient along with a mandatory 15 day programme for the family. This primary treatment is followed by after care, follow-up, and vocational rehabilitation services. Our other area of specilisation is conducting free rural camps.

Contact Us T.T. Ranganathan Clinical Research Foundation (TTK Hospital) 17, IV Main Road, Indira Nagar, Chennai-600020. India. Telephone : 91-44-24918461, 24912948, 24416458, 24426193 91-44-24420846, 24420821 Fax : 044-24456078 E-Mail :

Persons to be contacted at the TTK Hospital Monday to Friday - 10.00 am to 5.00 pm Saturday - 10.00 am to 1.00 pm

Primary care treatment Ms. Metilda - Intake Counsellor

After Care treatment Ms. Adeline Andrews

Camp Programme Ms. Jude Jacintha

Relapse ward Ms.Sudha and Reshma

RRTC (Regional Resource Training Centre) Ms. Jacqueline David

Training Programme for Students of Social Work, Psychology, Nurses Ms. Aditi Ghanekar

Publications Ms. Jayashree Ravishankar

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Medical uses of Abused Drugs Medical Uses of Abused Drugs
Via: Medical Billing and Coding Guide

Understanding Disability About Disability Disabilities under the National Trust Act are in fact Developmental Disabilities caused due to insult to the brain and damage to the central nervous system. This could be due to several environmental factors which deprive the brain of oxygen before, during or after birth. These disabilities are Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities. These are neither disease nor contagious nor progressive. They cannot be cured by drugs or surgery. But early detection and training improves outcome. This is done using the services of Physio-Occupational and Speech Therapist, Community Based Rehabilitation Workers and Special Educators.

Autism It is a neurological disorder which affects the social and emotional areas of the brain leading to challenges in communication, social relationships and imagination.It typically appears after first two to three years of age and is more common in boys. Did you know that
Autism affects as many as 1 in 150 children and 1 in 94 boys Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the world More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with diabetes, cancer, & AIDS combined Boys are four times more likely than girls to have autism There is no medical detection or cure for autism, but early diagnosis and intervention improve outcomes Autism does not discriminate by geography, class, or ethnicity download and read more FAQs Indian Scale for Assessment of Autism (ISAA) ISAA - Reports & Manual
Cerebral Palsy
Traditionally described as " an intelligent mind caught in a disobedient body", is typified by motor dysfunction. Gross motor (sitting, standing, walking), fine motor (writing, sewing, painting etc.) and speech is generally affected. .... more
Mental Retardation
In this, the cognitive area of the brain is affected leading to slow learning and responses. The child will take long time to understand and may need to be explained in simpler terms, one thing at a time.
Multiple Disabilities
This means a combination of two or more disabilities as defined in clause (i) of section 2 of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1955 and the National Trust Act like Deafblind, Cerebral Palsy with Mental Retardation or Mental Retardation with Visual
* Perspective to Disability * Issues of Disability * Neglect Abuse & Discrimination * Women with Disability * Prevention (in Hindi) * Who is Disabled?
Did You Know That
Developmental Disability is not a disease but a condition It is neither curable nor contagious but it can be managed. Early intervention can improve outcomes. Many persons with such disabilities have excelled as authors, sports persons, software professionals, bank managers, scientists etc.

How to support teens in the art of listening

Never argue with one's own understanding. The whisper of intelligence is always there, whatever you do.

How to Support Teens in Listening "Teens are quick to connect with each other by telling stories and passing along gossip via texting and social media. But students have lost the art of listening face to face by hiding behind the veil of anonymity. They often talk at each other. So on the first day of class, it would be beneficial if students fill out a survey about how they recognize their own listening skills, by describing body language, listening habits, and preferences. They can be asked to reflect on different scenarios from talking with peers, adults in authority, their guardians, and even when approaching strangers (fellow students in classes). They can also be asked to recount the best conversation they have had within that past week, by sharing the finer points of body language, and how they felt afterwards." Be The Change Support a teen in your life in listening; start off by modeling an "agendaless presence." Daniel Goleman explains:

Domestic Violence workshop at Aasra, 26th Feb 2012

Domestic Violence workshop at Aasra, 26th Feb 2012- Facilitators: Johnson, Nita, Mitali

Coping Skills workshop, UPG College , TY BMM students

Coping Skills workshop conducted at UPG college by Aasra director, Johnson Thomas on 21st Feb Tues, 2012, bet 11 am and 1 pm

Autism - Important facts

What are the characteristics of children suffering from Autism? There are many common patterns of characteristics noticed in children with Autism. It is not necessary that all children suffering from Autism would exhibit exactly the same characteristics. I have divided this article in to two parts due to its length and extensive data. The first part is as follows: Physical Characteristics: Children with autism are usually normal looking with very few or no physical signs indicating autism. Some of the children may have ear malformations and lateralization is under developed for the age and usually they are ambidextrous. Behavioral Characteristics: There are major behavioral issues in many children with autism. Some of the known behavioral characteristics are: Lack of social relatedness: A child with autism may not smile at parents or show any kind of affection (hugging, kissing, calling out, inclination to be picked up and taken in arms) or want for parents and other people around. Eye contact is very poorly developed and usually they look down or in the opposite direction while communicating. Ability to make friends is nearly absent till a very later age. I have encountered children with autism sitting for hours together but not a word of communication be it verbal or nonverbal. It often looks like other children do not exist for the autistic child. They seem to be self occupied and happy in their own world. Play patterns: They show strong attachment to routines and a change in the routine is not welcomed. Play patters are not age appropriate and they resort to repetitive and isolated play rather than group or constructive play. For e.g. lining up objects, playing with one specific part of a toy rather than the whole, starring at objects, over attachment to one toy or insignificant object, rotating or twisting objects, inability to follow rules and boundaries of games, etc

Cognitive skills: many children with autism respond and relate more quickly to visual spatial skills than verbal language, for e.g. children with autism understand visual images (picture of a toilet) more than verbal commands (instructions to go to the toilet). One notable feature noticed in many children with autism is inability to understand feelings or emotions of others around them, thus making it difficult for them to engage in social reciprocation, for e.g. If you tell a autistic child that you have hurt your head he or she may laugh or have no response.

Language difficulties: there is a myth that autistic children do not speak because of lack of motivation or reluctance to speak. Many a times the child appears non verbal but often babbles words and reproduces them exactly the correct way confusing the parent about the ability to speak and this is often misinterpreted as lack of motivation to speak. Language delay and deviance is one the most striking feature of autism. Autistic children have trouble putting words together and making a logical and coherent sentence even if they have excellent word vocabulary, for e.g. if you ask an autistic child “Did you have your breakfast?”, many of them would repeat the question “Did you have your breakfast?” instead of giving a “yes or no” answer.

Non-verbal language is also impaired but is usually better than verbal language. Echolalia is a prominent feature and autistic children often repeat words, phrases, sentences with or without context. For e.g.: “Bathroom, Bathroom Bathroom”. One of the cases that I handled had this peculiar behavior of picking up selective words and then reproducing them in the form of a poem. For e.g. if I said the school bell will ring in sometime, so the child said “Ding dong bell kitty in the well, ding dong bell” Pronoun reversals like “You want the ice cream” instead of “I want the ice cream” are often seen. Articulation errors like “titu for tissue”, “twim for swim” etc are common. They often develop a different voice tone and rhythm to communicate and that distinguishes them from other children.

, part II.