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Friday, September 12, 2014

#WorldSuicidePrventionWeek Initiative to #EndSuicide

#WorldSuicidePrventionWeek Initiative to #EndSuicide

Campaign #1


Taking a leaf out of the #WSPD campaign by AFSP, AASRA conducts a mirror campaign of it's own on social networking sites

Reach Out. #take5 #preventsuicide #WSPW

If you are concerned about your thoughts or feelings, talk to 

friend or family member. Know that you are not alone. 


help, every life is worth saving!

For help now call 91-22-27546669 TALK

The Take 5 to Save Lives Campaign encourages everyone to 

join the suicide prevention movement by taking 5 minutes 

everyday to learn about suicide prevention and share with 

others. If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide,

there is help available. Call AASRA 912227546669

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