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Monday, September 15, 2014

Aasra - IIT Bombay Mood Indigo 'Bring Back That Smile' Initiative

#WorldSuicidePreventionWeek Series - AASRA-IIT Bombay Mood Indigo 2015 - ;Bring Back That Smile' An initiative to help mobilise students in the fight against rising number of 'DEPRESSION' cases among all age groups
AASRA-IIT Bombay Mood Indigo 2015 - ;Bring Back That Smile' An initiative to help mobilise students in the fight against rising number of 'DEPRESSION' cases among all age groups


Navi Mumbai


  • We aim to help prevent and manage mental illness by providing voluntary, professional and essentially confidential care and support to the depressed & the suicidal.


  • Maharashtra Ratna Gaurav Puraskar

  Aims to bring moments of happiness into the lives of
under-privileged and orphan children to help erase traumas
of their past and imbibe
key qualities like leadership,teamwork

Aims to inject fresh enthusiasm into the lives of people
in old-age homes by conducting activities which facilitate
interaction between the youth and the residents.

Aims to empower women who face domestic abuse as it is one
of the largest causes of chronic depression.

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