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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Russian teenager hangs self over doomsday fears

Russian teenager hangs herself over doomsday fears
IANS India Private LimitedBy Indo Asian News Service | IANS – Thu, May 26, 2011


Moscow, May 26 (IANS) A 14-year-old girl from Russia's Volga Republic of Mari El hanged herself last Saturday (May 21) over fears that the world would end, investigators said Wednesday, RIA Novosti reported.

May 21 was the day that American preacher Harold Camping said Christians would be taken into heaven ahead of the apocalypse.

Investigator Alexander Kosharin said the girl's behaviour changed dramatically when she learned about Camping's predictions.

'Whales are trying to beach themselves and birds are dying - it is just the beginning of the end,' the girl wrote in a 'death diary'.

'We are not righteous people, only they will go to heaven, the others will stay here on Earth to go through terrible sufferings,' she wrote.

'I don't want to die like the others. That's why I'll die now,' the girl said in her last message.

Investigators are currently probing her ties with 'informal youth groups' or religious sects.


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ARSHAD 5 hours ago Report Abuse

“Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.”

Venkatesh V
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Venkatesh V 5 hours ago Report Abuse

What a stupid careless prediction - A life has gone and the repurcussion would follow like a pack of cards, if care is not taken immediately.

Many have predicted the end of the world since 1991 on different date and time. Today we are half way in 2011.

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InnerBeing 3 hours ago Report Abuse

Religion has a way of brainwashing people.

Ganesh R
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Ganesh R 4 hours ago Report Abuse

The earth is 6 billion years old how come it will end now all of a sudden. There were several world wars were earth took several burn holes. No matter what happens even if the whole life being on earth is destroyed the earth would be rolling for as long as it could do - Earth would come only to an end only if there happens a serious catastrophic changes in the Universe anatomy.

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Jaikumar 22 minutes ago Report Abuse

A cat took hold of a pigeon and was just starting to eat it up when the pigeon said, "Wait, don't eat me up else the world will come to an end". Surprised, the cat asked whether such a small creature can make so big a difference to the existance of the world. The pigeon replied, "Aunt atleast the world will come to an end for me. Why should I care about others?"

Armchair Utopian
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Armchair Utopian 2 hours ago Report Abuse

Harold Camping Must Be Kicked in his ............ for such silly predictions. Was the girl so stupid
as to take her own precious life ?

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Ranjit 4 hours ago Report Abuse

Let us learn how to live in the present.

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ABUL 56 minutes ago Report Abuse

When the world will be finished is exactly known by God.This is absolutely His knowledge.But one thing is sure.Before the last day of Earth God will definitely punish those who believe that the
Holy Jesus Christ is the son of God.God will give them appropriate punishment in this world and here after for this serious blasphamy.The exact thing is that: No body has seen God,God is unique,He has no co sharer.He created everything alone.He takes His own decision.He has no son,daughter,wife,parents.He gave extra ordinary power to some people to attain some objectives.He may punish some one in this world or not.But He will make a fair trial on the day of
justice before deciding heaven and hell for us.No prophet or ovatar will be able to save us from
from the hand of God if He decides to punish us.Everybody's account is everybody is at liberty to do good or bad works as per his choice and perception.God bless us.

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ABUL 27 minutes ago Report Abuse

It is for information of all concerned that our creator has not become old.Everybody will die except Him.He will remani alive for ever.This world will finish one day,but when no body knows except Him.The holy Jesus christ was man but born in different way.He was not crucified nor did he die.God lifted him alive to the sky and kept him alive in a process not known to us.Before destruction of this earth God will send him to earth.He will destroy the sign of crucification,kill all those who call him son of God.He will rein over the whole world.At that time there will be no poverty.People will refuse to accept thousand tons of gold if offered free of cost.Soil will be extremely fertile.Even one bringil will be a few hundred kilo in weight.When all these symptons wii be observed it will signal the destruction of earth.What ever may be the situation God will not
excuse them who did extreme balsphamy on earth about Him.It means those believe that the holy Jesus christ is the son of God.For them no excuse whatever good works they have done on earth.God is extremely tolerant that is why He is not punishing them.These people have no connection with God.Their predictions are baseless.Do not believe them at all.

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jee 1 hour ago Report Abuse

world dont go by this @#$% Harold Camping's prediction....

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jee 1 hour ago Report Abuse

an @#$%'s Harold Camping prediction.......

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ThusSpakeGod 1 hour ago Report Abuse

It's about time to take Harold Camping very very seriously! I don't mean the load of rubbish that he said, but whatever he had said has had an impact on some vulnerable people. He should be immediately arrested and tried in court for propagating such ideas! Otherwise, more people will commit suicides and do things normal persons will not do! So, he being the cause, has to pay for them! We hope Uncle Sam takes this matter seriously.

Prince Khomdram
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Prince Khomdram 1 hour ago Report Abuse

oh no

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POOR PUBLIC 2 hours ago Report Abuse

Do anybody feared after reading the article? then pl. hold your thought for some time.

Change reading such article and watch bollywood, actress are coming without panties, you will have more to join
see scams happening in the country, dont you want to hear more
watch Kingfisher calanders, dont you feel to love your life?
Read statements of Kapil sibal, dont you feel to criticise him?
Dont you wanted to know what happens to Lalit Modi?
Dont you wnated to what happens to 2G scam beneficiaries?
If your answeris YES
Thanks I am happy

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PAMMU 2 hours ago Report Abuse

Whales are trying to beach and birds are dying that indicates just begining of end and the righteous people go to heaven and others stay on earth to face the terrible sufferings. Why this girl committed suicide now instead she could waited till the situation reached the "terrible sufferings", if that happens. We ourselves destorying the mother earth and responsible for global warming by pulluting, air, water earth adding to that noise pollution. We are right now in "terrible sufferings" situation is there any better defition of terrible sufferings what we are facing now. Let us strive for pollution free of our mother earth and clean atmosphere which itself is heaven. Let us change our mother earth an heaven instead dreaming unknown/unseen heaven.

Vicky Sharma
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Vicky Sharma 3 hours ago Report Abuse

Its very tragic that a 14 girl commits suicide fearing the Day of Judgment. Instead of fearing, she should have amend her life and believe in Loving God manifested in Jesus Christ. May be the predictions are wrong. In fact no one can predict that day..Christ himself says that "i come like a thief". But surely the prediction reminds us that one day everyone of us will have to give an account of all our wrong doings as well as good deeds. so instead just passing by the predictions of imprudent pastor... let make use of this opportunity to reflect on our lives and correct whatever is amiss... so that world may be more loving and peaceful place to live in and we may be ever ready to meet our fate whenever it may come to us.....god's loving he saves all those who earnestly seek him and try to live righteous lives irrespective of to which religion, cast, creed they belong to... but we all have the duty to search for the Truth and follow it when we become aware of it.

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nikhil 3 hours ago Report Abuse

Oh Common guys Nothing will happen to the mother earth as long as our sun is there in our solar system even We have been protected by Intelligent Beings We can call them "GOD","ET" or "Alien". Everything in this world is preprogrammed like a software and the software is being updated as needed.