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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Workshop for Alert India HIV peer educators

It was really disapointing that we couldn't conduct the 2nd level coping skills training program for peer educators. I guess they had their reasons for postponing it at the last minute. But I am looking forward to conducting the workshop because that is one group which is receptive, participative and eager to absorb everything. They all have their own individual problems but they do not hesitate to come out and speak their minds and find solutions for themselves. It's really one of the better groups we had our workshops with.

The school workshop with teachers of a kk school was held from 9 am to 11.30 am on 4th april 09. The Alert India workshop was scheduled from 12 to 2.30 the same afternoon.


reena said...

J :I ws looking fwd to the workshop at Alert India. sad tht it didnt happen.

Shree said...

Dear Johnson, m quite excited and looking forward to the workshop at Alert india. As this area of our selection is always under the cover.
There would be lot more to learn and lot more to offer as well. Probably would try 2 built bridge between the two extremes by making some efforts to eradicate the misconceptions.