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Thursday, December 5, 2013

International Survivors of Suicide Day , November 23rd. , 2013

International Survivors of Suicide Day , November 23rd.

Every year, survivors of suicide loss gather together in locations around the world to feel a sense of community, to promote healing, and to grieve for their loved ones with those who have had similar experiences. Tomorrow is a day specifically for survivors to gather in a safe and healing space where everyone can comfortably participate in a way that is meaningful to them.

This year's International Survivors of Suicide Day helped to gather and comfort thousands of survivors of suicide loss around the world. Both the newly bereaved and those who are years out from their loss came together to remember and honor their loved ones and further build a community of survivors. We hope you were able to attend in person or experience the online broadcast and we thank those who worked so hard to make this year's events welcoming and healing.

"I turned to International Survivors of Suicide Day. I did so to find a way to give, to teach and to help others and myself heal, grow and venture forward. Getting involved and meeting those who have lived with the challenges and encountered some of the same experiences can forge new paths or help reopen some that had long since been abandoned."

Bill Zito, a Board Member at our Westchester chapter, lost his wife, Carol, a decorated police officer and investigator, in 2006. He writes about the twisted road of coping and grief he and his daughter have taken since their wife and mother died.