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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Close friends less common

Close Friendship Less Common, Says Study Submitted by Latika Sharma on Mon, 11/07/2011 - 14:21 Close Friendship Less Common, Says StudyA new study has recently commented that close friends are now less common than earlier. Moreover, the study has also highlighted that the count of close friends today stand at only 2 and no more than that. A study was carried out at the Cornell University to know where close friendship today stands. It was noticed in the procedure that the list of close friends among Americans has started diminishing as now Americans on an average are having only two close friends in their priority list, i. e. down from three confidantes 25 years ago. Also the study pointed that no improvement has been noticed in the number of socially isolated people or the ones, who had zero confidantes. Since decades, no increase has been cited in the list and this time also the analysts suspected same (that they found in the study). "Although this shrinking social network makes us potentially more vulnerable, we're not as socially isolated as scholars had feared. This is reassuring in that it suggests that we're not becoming less social", Study Researcher Mr. Matthew Brashears said. The above results are out by Brashears and his team, who, after surveying more than 2,000 adults aged 18 and above, concluded the above findings. The survey was done from an online national representative program that was conducted between April and May 2010. During the survey, the professionals asked the participants to list the names of people, whom they thought were "important matters" in the last six months. It was concluded from the survey that approx 48 percent participants list had one name, 18% listed two names, and 29% listed more than two names for these close friends. On an average, participants had only 2.03 confidantes. On the other hand, 64% socially isolated individuals showed no interest to discuss any topic. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very true…