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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

kala ghoda festival

Aasra volunteers at the Kala Ghoda Festival...
It was valentines day we hd other plans but ....we all landed up at THE KALA GHODA promote the cause that we at AASRA believe in ..
We distributed more than 3000 book marks with our phone no.and address. We also made numerous people aware about AASRA, AND THE SERVICES WE OFFER

Later we went for the Shankar Ehasan Loy concert and from there proceeded to a stumptious dinner at BADE MIYA..JAI HO!


reena said...

I wanted to post this sooner, but i just the pics today..better late than never...hmm? wht say?

Anil said...

We spend our evening doing what we loved doing - Spreading the word about Aasra. Couldn't have been a better way to celebrate valentines day.