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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Power of the subconscious mind

ESP - Extra Sensory Perception
We are all intuitive. Some of us know about it and acknowledge it and some of us don't. The universe and our subconscious mind have all the answers to intriguing questions of life. If you correctly zone in to your intuitive flow of knowledge, the true and genuine empowerment follows because you do not have to rely on the information provided by others.

How does one develop the intuitive faculties?
1) By Raising the vibration of our body
2) By regular practice of meditation
3) By certain Yogic techniques
4) By self-hypnosis and hypnotherapy
5) Breath-work and Pranayama
6) Being attentive to your inner voice
7) Proper introduction to metaphysical world by an expert
8) Knowing that you know.
9) Releasing unpleasant past-life cell memories.
10) Letting go the fear of knowing the unknown
11) Believing in one's own self.

You can begin by some of the simple exercises.

1) Stop wearing your watch. If you need to know what time of the day it is consult your subconscious mind first. You may err in the beginning but gradually, you will be able to tell the time with fairly good accuracy..
2) When you go to sleep tell your sub-conscious mind to wake you up at a certain time.
3) You can also leave a request with the subconscious mind to give certain information in form of dream. However you will have to infer this information with your sub-conscious mind.

Artists, musicians, designers in fact any one who are operating out of their subconscious mind and right brain are by and large more intuitive. Start using your creative faculties, seek alternative solution and answers in daily activities and you will very soon realize how intuitive you are.

Dr. Neeta Yuvraj

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