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Sunday, June 24, 2012

CBT fails in Sweden

Despite a few billion investment in CBT training for implementation in the Swedish Mental Health system, CBT has been proven ineffective and harmful. Here's a quote from the article:
“…the official journal for Swedish social workers, reported the results of the government’s two billion Swedish crown investment in CBT. The widespread adoption of the method has had no effect whatsoever on the outcome of people disabled by depression and anxiety. Moreover, a significant number of people who were not disabled at the time they were treated with CBT became disabled, costing the government an additional one billion Swedish crowns. Finally, nearly a quarter of those who started treatment, dropped out, costing an additional 340 million!”
This is probably the only unbiased study of CBT, not corrupted by financial or other considerations.
Read the report here:


Anonymous said...

This data is from someone's blog. If you look through PubMed or any of the reputable search engines, it looks like Sweden is fine with CBT and trying ot expand access to it. Please do not spread dangerous lies.

If you are upset about mandated care, that is one thing, but to bash an effective intervention because people like to mandate it, that is another issue.

JanCarol said...

Actually I can see how this would be the case. If you are suffering from depression or anxiety, CBT essentially tells you that it is YOUR FAULT and only you can fix it. If the source of the distress is trauma, you are still the only one to fix it, but being blamed for your own pain is counter productive.

Purple Nuggets said...

Anonymous suck it dumbass. I'm here from the future to inform you couldn't be more wrong what are you a Russian Bot?? Get lost accusing loser.