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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Aasra workshop for suicide Prevention held at SIES college Sion

Workshop was held for TY students from accross all streams . The audienc constituted students and faculty and numbered around 70. The college also inaugurated their Mental helath cell and counselling unit titled Mannan.

on 12th August 2010 a between 9.30 am and 1.00 pm.

It was conducted by johnson assisted by Nita.
PPT presentation and discussion on topics given by the audience and as per their expectations.
This talk was tiltled by us as a "Suicide Prevention Programme". organized by Career And Counselling Committee of SIES college. The audience comprised of degree college students, of all stream i.e. Arts, Science, Commerce, BMM,BMS etc.The workshop cum talk incorporated Factors (in General) that propels a person to commit suicide, life skills that will help students to be better able to deal with life stressors in the wake of adversities instead of resorting to a drastic step like Suicide.
The talk was also an oppurtunity to identify the suicidal tendencies that a person may be showing up i.e. an Awareness programme to the lay population. It also inolved experiential training via role play of -
how does a counsellor go about counseling the client who harbours suicidal thoughts, what types of calls we receive, what is the extent of motivation of the caller for follow-up sessions, what is the vulnerable age group etc... can all be tapped.

contact person was
Suchitra Roy Chowdhury
Lecturer of Psychology,
S.I.E.S. College of Arts, Science & Commerce,
Sion (W).

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