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Monday, May 2, 2016

Coolest NGOs In Mumbai To Work With This Summer - Digvi Shah, Nearfox

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Coolest NGOs in Mumbai to work with this summer

Digvi Shah
So the academic year is well and truly over and the books are back on the shelf, out of your sight! You have partied hard and long, got in and out of drunken stupor many a time and been on several dates because, heck, the exams are over. If you are now staring cluelessly at an entire month (haven’t we all been there?), we have a jolly good idea for you. Volunteer at an NGO of your choice and round off the holidays on a meaningful note.
And, mind you, working at an NGO isn't just about giving any more - rest assured you will pick up more than a handful of professional skills along the way. So don your suit, put your cape on and get in touch with these NGOs doing some great work at the grass roots.

Apne Aap Women’s Collective

Women in prostitution often don’t have a say in anything, but their daughters can - AAWC has made it their mission to give these girls opportunities they would otherwise be denied. Apne Aap ensures proper education and a safe environment for young girls, and even toddlers, to grow up in.
The caveat: AAWC can work out beautifully for you if you have a long holiday or can commit a lot of time - volunteers are trained for three months, but it’s totally worth it!
Phone: +91-2223083326

Image fromFACEBOOK 

Humsafar Trust

The Humsafar Trust doesn't give two hoots about society's homophobia. In a society that discriminates against people on the basis of sexual and gender orientation, Humsafar is a safe space for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people. An organisation started by and for the LGBT community they have been doing some groundbreaking work in the field. Humsafar works in four domains - research, advocacy, health and capacity building for the community. Always on a hunt for volunteers; this organisation has a place in each department for you to enhance your skills.
What better way to break some sweat this summer?

Robin Hood Army

Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor. The Robin Hood Army does the same, but legally. The amount of food that goes waste daily is, well, a lot and the number of people starving is so much more. Put two and two together, and you have RHA. You don’t have to do much - just take the excess food from here and give it there. It hardly takes any time, so you can still catch that movie in the evening or go get some drinks.
Phone: NA

Research Society

Living with a mental illness is difficult enough without putting ‘society’ into the mix, especially one which has decided that anything that isn't the norm is wrong. Thankfully, we do not live in a homogeneous group of insensitivity. For Research Society, the only wrong is the way we treat mental illnesses. From providing medical aid to contributing to their education, Research society is removing the the hidden ‘no opportunity’ from mental illnesses. Have time? We know you do. Have empathy? You’re the perfect fit for them.
Phone: +91-2224701231

Image fromFACEBOOK 


At a time when people assume the cure to depression is ‘just get over it’, Aasra is a ray of hope or, given their name, a pillar of support. Aasra is a suicide helpline that is open 24x7 because impulses don’t have closing hours or deadlines. If you are an empathetic listener with the drive to help, you can volunteer to man the main helpline. Or you can give your two cents by working behind the scenes and help with fundraising. You could save someone’s life while killing your boredom and that’s legit superhero stuff, we say!
Phone: +91-2227546669

Cuddles Foundation

So what if you don’t cure cancer this summer? You can do the next best thing. Every battle has soldiers, every soldier needs nutritious food and Cuddles is the chef. And you get to prepare them for the difficult war, which is, truly, the most you can do!
Phone: +91-2261737061

Image has been sourced fromFACEBOOK 
So get out of your pyjamas and AC, tame that inertia and make a difference, all while learning a skill or two. Godspeed!


Metal Roofing Sheets in Mumbai said...

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vaishnavi pavitradas said...

useful blog for those in search of ngos in mumbai

Hi Tech Multi Education said...

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Shruti said...

Nice informative blog, are there some NGO for education

Temizlik Şirketi said...

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