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Wednesday, December 9, 2015


#‎aasradotinfo‬ #WorldHumanRightsDay ‪#‎aasrasuicideprevention24x7Helpline912227546669forDepressedAndSuicidal‬
‪#‎AFSP‬ ‪#‎IASP‬ ‪#‎INFOTES‬ ‪#‎BefriendersWorldwide‬ ‪#‎WHO‬

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Although several colleges in Toronto offer pre-health programs but not all may help you achieve your specific career goals. Centennial's program not only intends to help you bridge the knowledge gap but also to help you identify your passions and interests. The USP of the program is that the faculty and students have one-on-one session where the former advises the latter, helping them choose a field of study.