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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Invitation for World Mental Health Awareness Program titled Mental Illness, Depression, Suicide-In Search of healthy ways to cope , on 30th Oct 2012, 3.00 to 5.30pm at Vashi

A personal invitation to all our well-wishers, supporters, friends As part of the series of programs commemorating Mental Health Awareness Week, come and join us for a panel discussion cum Public Interaction. Topic: Mental Illness, Depression, Suicide-In search of Healthy ways to Cope this Saturday 20th October from 3 pm to 5.30 pm.
AASRA works in the area of mental health, providing emotional support, unbiased caring through a helpline service and walk-in centre. AASRA mandates crisis intervention as it's primary focus and through our assorted services (workshops, outreach, awareness drives, care-giving visits to hospices etc) designed to alleviate emotional pain and in the process make concerted efforts in preventing suicides, we hope to bring about a change in society As part of our concerted efforts to de-stigmatize Suicide and our ongoing activities for commemorating WHO designated ‘World Suicide Prevention Day/Month’ we plan to organize a public program titled ‘Talking about Suicide- Finding healthy ways to alleviate the pain’ wherein we will invite Mental health professionals, academicians, students and lay public to an involved and interactive discussion that we hope will change the way people view suicide.

1 comment:

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AASRA works in the area of mental health, providing emotional support, unbiased caring through a helpline service and walk-in centre. AASRA mandates crisis intervention as it's primary focus and through our assorted services
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