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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

suicide surviviirs Day 2010

Organizing an AFSP National Survivors of Suicide Day Conference Site

September E-Bulletin

National Survivors of Suicide Day is Saturday, November 20, 2010.

220 of you have let us know that you’ll be organizing a conference site and over 170 of you have already officially registered – thank you. If you haven’t already done so, please Register Your Site as soon as possible so we can add it to the list of participating cities. Filling out this online form is the only way to register your site and receive the free broadcast on November 20th.

Not able to organize a site this year? We understand – just reply to this email to let us know if we should be in touch next year.

We hope you find our step-by-step guide at helpful as you continue to plan your day, but if you have any questions or concerns, please be in touch. We are here to help.


Simply showing the AFSP broadcast on November 20th is a meaningful service to the local community which shows survivors everywhere that they are not alone. For many, this is the first time they will meet another survivor of suicide loss. However, if you would like to add additional local speakers and/or activities to your conference, here are some ideas (updated for 2010).


Looking for materials to distribute? You have two options:

1. You can print out the following free of charge and provide photocopies for your attendees:
Poem: We Remember Them
Surviving Suicide Loss: A Resource and Healing Guide
Facts about Suicide
Handling the Holidays
Surviving a Suicide Loss Bibliography
Talking to Children About Suicide

2. Additional materials may be ordered for a nominal charge by visiting the AFSP Store. Place your order no later than October 29th to be sure that you receive everything in time. Shipping & handling costs for U.S. orders are included in prices below.
Note on ordering from outside the U.S.: Order before October 21st by emailing Additional shipping and handling charges will apply.

Surviving After Suicide. A tri-fold color brochure with clear, basic information about surviving suicide loss. (Also available in Spanish.) $0.25/each.

Surviving a Suicide Loss: A Resource and Healing Guide. A 28-page resource guide containing more detailed information on coping with suicide loss, including professional articles, an extensive resource list including a bibliography, and an online resource list. $1.00/copy. (Also available for free online.)

After Suicide Loss: Coping with Your Grief by Bob Baugher, Ph.D., and Jack Jordan, Ph.D. Our most in-depth guide to coping with suicide loss, this book is organized chronologically around the first days, weeks, and months following a suicide loss. It includes practical strategies for coping and healing as well as straightforward information about psychiatric disorders and when to seek professional help. $10.00/each.

Child Survivors of Suicide: A Guidebook for Those Who Care for Them by Rebecca Parkin and Karen Dunne-Maxim. This paperback book offers guidance for family members, educators, and others who deal with young survivors. (Also available in Spanish.) $10.00/each.

Surviving a Suicide Loss: A Financial Guide. This 60-page booklet addresses the financial aspects of surviving a suicide loss. Order up to 90 copies for free by emailing (Also available for free online.)

When You Fear Someone May Take Their Life. A tri-fold color brochure that explains the risk factors for suicide, and includes specific guidance about recognizing and responding to depression in yourself or others. (Also available in Spanish.)$0.25/each.

About AFSP. A tri-fold color brochure that describes AFSP's work and includes information about how survivors can get involved. (Also available in Spanish.) $0.25/each.

Thanks, and take good care,

Joanne and Rebecca

Joanne Harpel, Director of Survivor Initiatives or 212-363-3500 ext. 32
Rebecca Thorp, Survivor Initiatives Manager - or 212-363-3500 ext. 33

ØIf you don't wish to receive future emails about organizing a conference site, just let us know by return email.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

120 Wall Street, 22nd Floor
Phone (212) 363-3500

New York, NY 10005

Fax (212) 363-6237

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