On 2nd of August, from 2PM to 4PM in Google meets.
A round of questions were asked by the student co-ordinators to the panelists. This was a Colloquium organised entirely by students for providing a platform for the better understanding of psychology. - a psychological colloquium with participants from all around India. It was followed by participants sending in their questions for the panelists to answer.
1. We all have at one point of our life thought of starting an NGO or helping people. What distinguishes us dreamers from people like you is the actions you have taken. What made you want to start an NGO? And what kind of qualities do you need and efforts do you take to start an NGO?
2. You had described yourself as a humanist constantly striving to make a difference in the world. I, for one can second that you are altruism personified. According to you, what is the most satisfying job?
3.You have mastered applied science. What made you want to pursue psychology based activities like emotional care giving or voluntary social work?
4. In an interview,you had mentioned that teenagers are not without their share of troubles. And on being asked what seems to be the most common reasons a person considers suicide,you had answered“Triggers could be anything from relationship troubles, break-ups, exam tensions, job concerns, inability to cope with certain situations, bereavement, and so on,”
In the 21 years of experience, what are some lessons you have learnt from such teenagers and what would you like to say to the teenagers?
5. Let's move on to something lighter, let's talk about the entertainment industry which you contribute to as well. Be it movie reviews or a blog, you have always succeeded in making a thorough research. I also noticed your unique way of presenting details in a casual manner that it doesn't look like a mere statment of facts but rather a painting of the entire movie.
As an individual constantly engaged in both psychology based and entertainment based areas, have you ever found spots of intersection? Have you ever found your knowledge in psychology influenced you while reviewing an artistic piece?
Or even better, has an art form aided you to understand a person better?