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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mental Health Week Activity, Johnson Thomas, AASRA

As part of the Mental Health Week Activity , AASRA volunteers distributed book marks and newsletters in order to create a general awareness about the need for sound mental health practices and immediate redressal of mental health ailments and issues relating to it. The event was organised by the volunteers at the Kala ghoda fair on 9th Oct.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

World Mental Health Week 4 Oct to 10 Oct

World Mental Health Week Oct 4-10

Help celebrate World Mental Health Day & Mental Health Week

The theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day is: “Making Mental Health a Global Priority: Scaling Up Services Through Citizen Advocacy and Action”.
The day will highlight different levels of advocacy and the need for enhancing services so that all people can have equal access to information, personalised treatment and resources to assist them in all aspects of their recovery.
NGOs as well as mental health and welfare service providers are expected to celebrate the week to help reduce the stigma associated with mental illness in all communities.
AASRA will be conducting an awareness drive , public exhibition for the purpose of increasing the awareness of mental health related issues.

Life is full of emotional ups and downs. But when the "down" times are long lasting or interfere with ability to function, one may be suffering from a common, serious illness-depression. Clinical depression affects mood, mind, body, and behavior. Most people do not seek help when they need it. AASRA advocates that people undergoing depression must seek help at the earliest through helplines and professional units.